Where you will be inspired by the past, equipped for the present, and prepared for the future as we engage in conversations with people from around the world.
#150 - Richard tells how he spends his life helping others to fulfill their God given potential. From Africa to the USA, he encourages everyone to not put limits on what people can do, especially when raising up the next generation.
#149 - Ronnie shares his experience behind the Iron curtain in Russia, being in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down, and a surprising word of encouragement for those who have adopted children.
#148 - Karen shares her passion for the emerging generation being prepared for these days, and for giving them the right cause to live and die for.
#147 - Tim's video of being arrested for the 2nd time in Canada as his children and wife watched on, went viral. On this episode he shares his experience, why he was arrested, and the lessons we can learn as we consider that what happened to him, could happen to us.
#146 - Dean challenges us to consider what it might mean to “Die for Love” and how the East is leading the way, challenging us to follow in their footsteps, remaining faithful even in the face of extreme danger.
#145 - Charlotte helps break down the questions, “Who are the Palestinians and where did they come from?” She helps wrestle with how we view this conflict, and how she believes some progress can be made.
#144 - Shanna shares a funny story involving Wolf Blitzer and a bikini and how this encounter inspired her media career. Hear how life in journalism has affected her personally and her thoughts regarding the current situation in Israel.
- Israel Daily News:
Apple Podcast I
#143 - Ashley shares her family’s adoption journey, from the Philippines and China. She reflects on her children’s words of encouragement, her husband’s example of the father heart of God, and the fight they now have to find the child they have been in the process of adopting who has ‘disappeared’ in China. Join the "army" of Prayer Warriors Ashley is challenging to rise up on behalf of children who desperately need a family.
- The Felts Family YouTube:
Click Here I Ashley Felts Facebook:
Click Here I Instagram:
Click Here
- GoFundMe for Eagles Wings:
Click Here I Eagles Wings China:
Click Here I Eagles Wings China YouTube:
Click Here
#142 - Such a privilege to talk with Col. Richard Kemp about his time fighting terrorism and insurgency, and commanding British troops in some of the world’s toughest hotspots, consulting on leadership, security, intelligence, counter-terrorism and defense. He was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire, and Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
The last five years of his military career were spent as head of the international terrorism team at the Joint Intelligence Committee, responsible for assessing growing global terrorism. He was also a member of Cobra, the government's top-level crisis management committee, chairing the Cobra Intelligence Group, responsible for coordinating national intelligence agencies.
#141 - Brian shares the inspiring story of how his son passed away, and how that led him on a personal journey to Israel.
- Slide show about Taylor:
Click Here I Brians my book, Walking Taylor Home:
Click Here I Brians op-ed for the Jerusalem Post:
Click Here
#140 - How has COVID affected the emerging generation? Why is it so important to fight for them? Rachel exposes ‘the 2nd pandemic’ and shares her journey in starting a prayer network to stand and fight for the young people of the United Kingdom.
Facebook Group I
YouTube channel
#139 - Justin, co-creator of the film “Hope In The Holy Land” exploring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. gives behind the scenes insight, and the heart behind it's making. Their hope, and ours, is that viewers will gain a heart for Arabs and Jews, learn the history and discern the truth.
www.justinkron.com I
#138 - Jim shares his personal journey through marriage, with humor and wisdom, giving practical advice to help navigate work and family without neglecting your spouse.
Crescent City Rock Church
#137 - Steve shares about his work with Life Choices, a pro-life organization supporting people wrestling with the possibly of abortion, adoption or keeping their child. Steve navigates this difficult subject with compassion and truth.
www.lcfriends.org I
www.missionfieldusa.com I
#136 - Bruce, a Grammy and Dove award winner, shares valuable insight into life as a successful worship leader. The lessons he learned along the way are important for all of us. We also hear how the Beatles inspired him, and funny stories including one about a flat-Earther he worked with. What was Bruce's response? Listen and find out!
www.brucecarroll.com I
Bruce Carroll Spotify
#135 - Anne vulnerably takes us on her personal journey through a topic many see as too controversial, complicated or divisive: Israel.
www.G2gMandate.org/IssacharNetwork I
#134 - Bob shares how one man's brokenness led to a vision inspiring men on a bike ride that would transform not only their lives but ultimately, the lives of cancer patients as well.
#133 - Chris shares about his ministry in prisons and the impact it has both on himself and those he visits.
#132 - Annette shares the struggle heroin brought into her family: a son leaving home, nearly dying twice, and her own journey of heartache until...
- To contact Annette email us here: info@G2gMandate.org
#131 - Corey, formerly involved with nuclear power, shares his journey as a Pastor engaging with people over BLM, critical race theory, and defund the police movements. He includes great tips on navigating conversations like these.
www.celebrationchurch.org I
#130 - Lisa shares her family’s deeply impacting journey, of her son Trey’s journey ‘to being healthy in heaven’ and the continuing shadow cancer throws over them as they walk this out moment by moment, with faith in Jesus.
#129 - Chad (aka Jaxson Ryker, WWE Superstar) speaks about his journey from fulfilling childhood dreams of wrestling, joining the Marines after the tragedy of 911, and his parents support as he heard the call to join the WWE.
www.instagram.com/jaxsonrykerwwe I
www.twitter.com/jaxsonrykerwwe I Y
ouTube Channel
#128 - Stephen shares his passion for the nations, why India has a special place in his heart, and questions what people's perception of normal is.
www.instagram.com/sdaigle1 I
#127 - Ronie shares his story of losing both his parents to AIDS, joining a Watoto village and being raised to impact the nations which He is now doing as a worship leader.
www.limitlessworship.ke I
#126 - Kathy explores at what age you can explore Biblical principles with surprising examples from her PhD dissertation.
- info@G2gMandate.org
#125 - Chad shares his journey from music to becoming a pastor, and how his daughter's medical crisis drove him to die to self. All the while, his self made plans were replaced by God's.
www.facebook.com/justplainchad I
www.facebook.com/groups/celebrationmcc I
#124 - John shares from his experience lessons he learned about the Church, dealing with change, and difficult kitchen committees. By the end we are laughing too much to continue.
www.celebrationchurch.org I
#123 - David, an adoptive father, reveals some of the heart of adoption as he has experienced and understood it.
#122 - Michael shares thoughts on the various tribulation perspectives; along with the need to be prepared for persecution, while maintaining hope for the future.
#121 - When you ask why there is a struggle the answer may surprise you! Abe shares about such a time, and how this led to a heart transformation that resulted in explosive church growth across Brazil and now into the nations.
#120 - David speaks about his involvement with Ironman competition, drawing Biblical principles from training, and shares inspiring stories of overcoming tremendous challenges.
#119 - Misha speaks about her family, the direction of her life, her passion for music, and her thoughts about raising her son during these challenging times.
#118 - What was the result when race, sacrifice and leaving father and mother, houses and lands collided? Kate shares her story mixed with drama, quiet obedience and ultimate victory, bringing hope in today's world where these collisions still unfold.
New Covenant Church I
#117 - Dale shares what he believes it means to be ‘People of the Way’ in turbulent times, and how we must prepare for more times of shaking.
www.kki.global -
#116 - Lynn shares his journey from Hawaii to Afghanistan, the lessons he learned along the way and how his next generation is following in his footsteps down a road full of danger. Why? To be light to the nations.
www.ywamharpenden.org I
www.lynngreen.blog I
#115 - Noel challenges listeners to consider the priority and impact of each of the following areas: discipleship, family and financial giving.
www.mytownmiracles.org I
www.menistry.com I
#114 - Can mediation be effective in business and ministry? How do they differ? What can we learn from each? Danny inspires and challenges listeners through his own experiences in both spheres.
www.absconstructionclaims.com I abstupp@aol.com
#113 - Discussion about the end of the age has become more prevalent during the past year. Jake gives a simplified overview of this time, exploring how the end will come about, and provoking listeners to carefully consider their view point in light of this moment in history.
www.standfirmministries.com I
#112 - From India to Birmingham, From Marxism/Sikh to sold out lover of Jesus. From a corner shop to a city changer. This is Ravi's amazing and challenging story.
#111 - Ron Luce shares a proven way for exponential church growth. His "open secret" is shared in this episode, and is not as difficult as you may think, but requires a shift in mindset, priorities and resources. This is an exciting and challenging episode for leaders.
#110 - How can we prepare for leaving lockdown when, for some, this can be a terrifying experience? Steph explains how she has tackled this issue.
#109 - Warning, this episode might make you shuffle in your seat!
Dominic speaks about some difficult and uncomfortable questions, we should all be wrestling with e.g. Has COVID become a god? What do we do when the government comes against God's word? Do we really count the cost of following of Jesus?
www.nowbelieve.com I
#108 - How does life in the military affect marriages? Andrew and Tayler give a vulnerable account of their own experience, and encouragement to others who live "on the move.”
#107 - Todd speaks powerfully about his work with Voice of the Martyrs, sharing stories of persecuted people around the world while also giving a glimpse into his upbringing, and how it prepared him for the role he plays today.
www.whenfaithisforbidden.com I
www.vomradio.net I
#106 - Mollie shares her family’s journey with infertility, walking through tragedy, and how she used her pain for purpose. Not only fighting for her own family, but now through her advocacy work, she is fighting for families across America.
#105 - Daphne and Andrew discuss the role of parents in preparing their children for the years ahead, as Biblical Prophecy unfolds.
#104 - Pastor Yang gives challenging encouragement to all generations to live a life that counts as he shares stories of transformation.
#103 - Don't miss Bodie's captivating account of her journey to writing over 70 books, which capture the minds and hearts of all generations worldwide.
#102 - Merv and Merla recount with passion, humor and challenge, their journey from professional musicians, composing over 500 songs, miracles along the way, founding a movement bringing the nations to the Feast of Tabernacles and so much more.
www.mervandmerla.com I
#101 - Loic challenges us to consider how this challenging season is impacting and ‘sacrificing’ so many aspects of this emerging generation’s lives, hopes and dreams, and what we can do about it.
www.ywam.org I