Where you will be inspired by the past, equipped for the present, and prepared for the future as we engage in conversations with people from around the world.
#100 - Andrew and Daphne talk about their heart to inspire, equip, and prepare through the first 100 episodes of Radical Lifestyle. Their reflections on struggling to hold themselves together through laughter and tears, confronting tech difficulties, and being challenged themselves, taking you behind the scenes of the podcast. |
#99 - Is it possible to train and prepare leaders for times we have not lived through? Andrew and Daphne look at Biblical examples to inspire and equip us for this task. |
#98 - Russell shares his emotional journey from the "American Dream" to the wilderness.
*If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts please seek help. You do not have to struggle alone.
- www.careconnectionglobalresources.org
#97 - Josh shares his experience and thoughts on an element of the Great Commission that is often overlooked.
- www.childrencan.co.uk |
#96 - Andrew and Daphne discuss whether unity can be achieved in today's climate of divisiveness. |
#95 - Pat speaks about how he took a bike, a prayer, and a song to the streets of London during the lockdown, which led to exposure on major news outlets around the world.
- St Peter's Notting Hill YouTube Channel |
#93 - Marc shares about his journey in music, which led to becoming a worship leader, and how, through struggles, his classic song “Surrender” was birthed.
- Marc James on Spotify
- www.VerraCruz.com |
#92 - Jennie gives inspiration and practical tips to help navigate this season in relation to the impact on education and families.
- Contact Jennie here: info@G2gMandate.org
- Jennie Episode No 62
- Bryanna Episode No 22 |
#91 - Dana shares her personal story through troubled times, her family's ongoing struggles, and the victories they encounter on the journey.
- www.whatyourpastornevertoldyou.com |
#90 - What are the most important things you would share with a child in times like this? Olly reflects on his top 3 and explains why he sees these as important.
- www.childrencan.co.uk |
#89 - Chris examines the current situation in the Middle East relating to Israel, Iran, and Turkey.
www.cbnnews.com I
#88 - Jake gives simple steps to start the journey towards self-sustainability and becoming less dependent on others. He will both inspire and equip you!
www.expectingclasses.co.uk I
YouTube Version Click Here
#87 - Simon helps us search for truth in the midst of false and/or biased news and leads us into unfolding Biblical Prophecy.
- www.revelationtv.com
#86 - Noam and Deborah discuss the implications of identifying people "like Saul of Tarsus" who oppose & persecute and how our response to them can have eternal consequences one way or the other.
#85 - Andrew and Daphne discuss an often overlooked aspect of discipleship and the implications of neglecting it.
#84 - Margaret answers the question, "When so many voices are capturing our attention and in a world of increasing turmoil, is it possible to hear God's voice, and if so, how?"
www.HearingGodsVoiceUK.net I margaretcornell44@gmail.com I Mark Virkler:
#83 - Jake shares the heart of his book "Spiritual Prepping" and how we can spiritually prepare for the days ahead.
Stand Firm I
Stand Firm Kids
#82 - Michael and David speak about the unfolding prophetic drama centered around Israel, including the valley of Jehoshaphat.
- Firm I IsraelU
#81 - Why are people being hurt and overwhelmed with End Times teaching? Andrew and Daphne look at an apparent lack of focus on Biblical discipleship and the takeover of social media, etc., in preparing people in these last days!
Issachar Network
#80 - Philip shares about his journey in the prophetic, his concerns about the movement today, and gives advice for going forward.
- To Contact Philip Lye email: Info@G2gMandate.org
#79 - Ben shares about the possibility of us all being able to have a HOPE-full New Year.
Tikkun America
#78 - Andrew and Daphne share how Radical Lifestyle podcasts have impacted them during the challenging year of 2020, with their thanks to listeners for helping to take Radical Lifestyle to over 45 nations.
Issachar Network
#77 - Helen speaks passionately about Exodus Cry and their campaign Traffickinghub, which has been taking on Pornhub, and its parent company Mindgeek, because of their exploitation of human trafficking and child abuse. Listen, be inspired, and take action.
ExodusCry.com I
Nefarious on YouTube I
NY Times Article
#76 - Yotam, a former Israel navy seal commander, now a clinical physiologist, shares compelling stories and principles from his new book “A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal: An Israeli Navy Seal’s Journey.”
- You can order Yotam's book on Amazon.
#75 - What about the Abraham Accords? Are they all they seem? Is it good news? What is happening behind the scenes? This episode seeks to explore these questions. Don't miss it!
#74 - Katharine talks about the importance of the Temple and Temple Mount, from a historical but also future perspective, especially in light of the Abraham Accords.
#73 - Abbiih tells her story of overcoming, offering help and hope to others struggling with anxiety and identity.
#72 - Howe Tung and Chuei Lian passionately share about their lives and vital work across governments and nations, bringing transformation to marriages and families.
#71 - David speaks with passion about the phrase "As in the days of Noah..." and the importance of community as days become increasingly difficult.
www.davidsliker.com I
www.ihopkc.org I
#70 - Ann shares how she became a voice for those caught in sexual exploitation. “God gives me the energy, and every day I can do it again. I am not working. It is my life. When God calls you, it is your life.”
#69 - Daniel reflects on fascinating elements of Islam's history, what we can learn from it, warnings the West needs to heed, the partnership between Islam and socialism, and the long-term future of this alliance. This is both rifting and shocking.
www.Israelislamandendtimes.com I
#68 - John's family are involved in missions, including to dangerous parts of the earth. Why do this? Why are they willing to put their lives on the line? This eye-opening episode will give you insight and, at the same time, hopefully, "shock you."
#67 - Lisa speaks about her family's encounter with cancer and COVID, then engages passionately about issues surrounding President Donald Trump.
www.somebodycares.org I
#66 - Stephanie shares about how you can have victory even through the strongest of storms.
www.stephaniehenderson.org I
#65 - Michael Dickson and Dr. Naomi Baum share about their exciting and challenging book "Isresilience," which gives keys to resilience! Not only do they give a glimpse into the stories of Israelis who thrive against all odds, but they also reveal life-changing insight into how we, too, can be resilient in times like this.
www.standwithus.com I
www.naomibaum.com I
#64 - Aaron engages us with disaster preparedness as we share about our own life experiences, how we can learn from them, and resetting our priorities as we plan ahead.
#63 - Cody vulnerably shares his journey through "the dark night of his soul" and finding light at the end of the tunnel. When so many are struggling, may his journey be an encouragement to you. You are not alone.
www.fieldsofwheat.org I
#62 - Jennie inspires and challenges as she shares about how she raised her four boys with clarity of vision to prepare them to stand strong in today's world.
#61 - Don's inspirational episode gives keys to being prepared for the end times and what our perspective should be.
#60 - Libby talks about Thailand, the Beginnings Foundation, which helps women and girls caught in the sex trade, and their annual Christmas parties during Covid.
#59 - Daniel, an emerging leader, shares the impact his father has had and continues to have on his life as he leads through the shaking.
#58 - Michelle engages in a conversation about being a woman in ministry. Her approach is refreshing, insightful, honoring, and full of wisdom for men and women alike.
www.celebrationchurch.org I michelleg@celebrationchurch.org
#57 - Brendon and Cathie have a wealth of experience in reaching children. They give a wake-up call about the potential and importance of intentionality in raising, equipping, and inspiring them for the return of the King.
#56 - Noam and Deborah speak engagingly about the times we're living in and their own story of how a Ninja found his Messiah!
#55 - Rudy has over 25 military honors, including the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for his direct involvement in the rescue of the Maersk Alabama’s Capt. Philips. He speaks engagingly about his roots in Lebanon, where he has ended up today, and his work with persecuted people around the world.
www.theblessingprojects.org I
#54 - Paul, Lead Pastor of Victory in Tulsa, Oklahoma, speaks with us about amazing things God is doing during this challenging time and the impact of the generations within his own life.
#53 - David, a leader at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, gives us a glimpse into his inspiring and challenging new book "The Nations Rage."
#52 - Mark, an Independent Executive Director with The John Maxwell Team, speaks about the values of leadership, leading others, and leading yourself. As a highly experienced coach, consultant, and trainer, his wisdom and experience will inspire you.
#51 - Justin speaks about his journey to and on the platform as a worship leader, as we reflect on ours as speakers and what we all learnt along the way.