Daphne Kirk unfolds fresh truths from Scripture, bringing a revolution in homes, churches, and ministries. Under the power of the Holy Spirit, healing takes place between the generations and transformation to birth, an emerging generation who:
Have an uncompromising passion for Jesus.
Take the gospel into every nation.
Are intentionally prepared to live victoriously to the end of this age.
She challenges leaders to focus on the emerging generation because "To turn a nation, you must take the next generation," and young people to live radically.
Her background includes church leadership, social work, counseling, and teaching. |
Andrew Kirk has traveled in and around some of the most dangerous places on earth, believing that light was created for darkness.
He carries the foundational G2g message, including mobilizing and training to reach the unreached and persecuted nations, and is committed to seeing a revolution that will:
Release the emerging generations to the nations and see them bring about spiritual, moral, and cultural change.
Prepare the emerging generation literally "for such a time as this."
See a generation rise as "men of Issachar who understand the signs of the times and know what to do" (1 Chronicles 12:32).
Daniella Kirk is an international speaker, consultant, trainer, and pioneer used by God to turn lives around and assist churches.
Her vision is to see:
The Church walking with "Open Eyes," reaching the vulnerable, restoring and bringing healing to the broken.
Those caught in the sex slave trade rescued and walking the hard path to holistic freedom.
Discipleship as a lifestyle and "the hearts of the fathers" turned to the next generation.
Radical, uncompromising lives in this generation.
Joanna Hunter - Generation 2 generation's Operations Manager
Joanna Hunter met the Kirks while stationed in England with the US Air Force. On returning to the US, she felt called to use her skills and experience within G2g as Operations Manager, including the Issachar Network, and a supportive role for Operation Open Eyes.
She has three daughters and lives in Ohio. |