Silhouette Andrew Pano


“God had one Son and He made Him a missionary.” -- David Livingstone

Jesus’ last command was to GO.

The apostles did not stay; there were obedient to GO.

Somehow we have created a mentality that to “GO” needs a special calling. I think not! The command is there, the command is clear and the command is simple. Should we not be seeking a special calling to “stay”?

How is it that the majority of the church are vocal about obeying His commands yet seem to skip over the very last one He gave. Last words are powerful and remembered. Jesus’ last words were intentional and specific. He left heaven and came to a lost and hurting world – so we are commanded to leave our comfort zone and GO to a lost and hurting world.

I look at children and youth ministry and see a lack of intentional experiential mission. Children and young people can plant community groups wherever they are! We are raising another generation who focus on themselves, their own needs, their own education, their own hopes and dreams, and not one where they are breathing mission and setting their ambitions on finishing the Great Commission He gave us. Our generation talks about “doing” the Great Commission, but the next generation can talk about “finishing” it! The implications of this are enormous. After all, isn’t this what is meant by “hastening the day of His coming”?

Remember Christ’s promise: “Go into all the world and make disciples” and the promise that “lo I am with you always.”

Time is short; nations are closing; Christians are dying daily. Go, go, go - we need to raise a generation to go, and let’s see the King return and the end time harvest gathered through the toughest of days this world has known. Simple obedience