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Generational Discipleship: Lessons from Biblical Models

Discipling the next generation of leaders; Moses and Joshua

Moses heard clearly from God before setting Joshua aside for leadership discipling (Numbers 27:23).

God asked Moses to take time out and personally deliver to Joshua what He had said (Exodus 17:14).

When Moses went to meet with God, it was not the elders he took with him, but his “aide” Joshua. Imagine the faces of the elders left behind!  Where Moses went, Joshua went: experiential learning and modeling (Exodus 24:12-14).

Moses trained Joshua not just to lead in the desert, but also to lead in his generation, with a new assignment. Moses was so effective that Joshua was able to continue under “Moses’ leadership” long after Moses had died (Joshua 8:35).

Joshua’s faithfulness in that relationship meant God could exalt him to lead a new generation (Joshua 3:7).

Naomi and Ruth, an an example of redemptive discipleship

Naomi was bitter, depressed, in mourning, visionless, and defeated - not a prime candidate to disciple a young woman.

Ruth saw something in Naomi that Naomi had lost sight of herself (Ruth 1:16).

Once they left Moab, Naomi found them a home, helped Ruth find a husband and when Ruth had her first child, Obed, Naomi helped Ruth to such an extent that people identified Naomi as being the baby’s mother (Ruth 4:16 –17).

Ruth needed Naomi and Naomi needed Ruth. Discipleship is a two-way relationship. From this unlikely relationship came redemption for Ruth and Naomi, and from Obed – Jesse – David, which equals redemption for you and me.

Discipling young people from Christian families: Paul and Timothy

Timothy had a great legacy: a godly family who discipled him (2 Timothy 1:3-5). Paul discipled Timothy in areas his family could not. Paul’s life is a great example of the role of the family and that of the church. He prioritized other people. Timothy learned by serving Paul (2 Timothy 4:13, 21).

These are just a few lessons we can learn from Biblical generational discipleship. What are the outcomes? To model godly leadership to generations not yet born (Psalm 78)!